The NEXT Generation of C-S-H Waterproof and Corrosion Proof + Crack Healing Technology For Durable and Sustainable Concrete

Programme title (Seminar/ On-line Webinar)
The NEXT Generation of C-S-H Waterproof and Corrosion Proof + Crack Healing Technology For Durable and Sustainable Concrete

Date, Time and Venue
5 July 2023 (Wednesday) 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, HKIE Headquarters
9/F, Island Beverley, No. 1, Great George St, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

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Programme highlights

The NEXT Generation of C-S-H Waterproof and Corrosion Proof + Crack Healing technology works within the cement matrix to generate additional calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) within the concrete resulting in further hydration until the concrete is impermeable to water infiltrations.

This C-S-H technology also grants self-healing properties to concrete through a process called autogenous healing. The crystallizing reaction will remain latent in the concrete and reactivate whenever water is present to generate additional C-S-H growth, sealing any cracks which may form and maintaining the structural integrity of the concrete, thereby increasing the durability and sustainability of structures.

The following topic will be presented at the seminar:

1. What are the current trend of Integral Waterproof System and its differences 2. What is the NEXT Generation “C-S-H” waterproofing technology
3. What makes “C-S-H” waterproofing technology different
4. What are the short term and long-term benefits

5. Review on testing and certification
6. C-S-H project eeview and case study

Mr. John Fiorino – Active Partner (Krystaline Technology SL, Spain)

Mr. John Fiorino has more than 29 years of experience working with Crystalline waterproofing technologies. He is one of the developers of C-S-H technology product and responsible for Krystaline’s R&D, manufacturing and distribution of the newest generation of Hydrophilic C-S- H Crystalline Pore-Sealing and Crack healing product. Throughout his past experiences, Mr. John Fiorino has assisted the company established international manufacturing centers in 8 countries and the distribution channels in more than 60 countries.

Registration details

Prior registration is required and due date is 28 June 2023. Seats will be allocated on a first- come-first-served basis with priority given to HKIE Building Division members for the face-to- face seminar.

For registration, please apply online at: –

The Zoom link for on-line webinar participants will be issued by HKIE by 30 June 2023.

Enquiry details
For enquiries, please contact Ir Paris Wong (tel: 2859 5592) or via email

Ir Tony Za (right one) and representatives of HKICM and CIOB presenting the souvenir to Mr. John Fiorino

 Seminar and on-line webinar jointly organized by HKIE Building Division, Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (HKICM) and Chartered Institute of Building Hong Kong (CIOB HK)

Title: The NEXT Generation of C-S-H Waterproof and Corrosion Proof + Crack Healing Technology for Durable and Sustainable Concrete

By Ms Niki GAO

The captioned seminar was jointly organised by HKIE Building Division, Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (HKICM) and Chartered Institute of Building Hong Kong (CIOB HK) on 5 July 2023 and was well-joined online by around 440 participants.

The seminar was delivered by Mr. John Fiorino, who is the Active Partner of Krystaline Technology SL, Spain. He has more than 29 years of experience working with Crystalline waterproofing technologies and one of the developers of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) technology product.

John shared his valuable experience in crystalline waterproofing technologies and highlighted the remarkable points in his presentation including the current trend of Integral Waterproof

System and its differences; the NEXT Generation C-S-H waterproofing technology; the short term and long-term benefits of C-S-H products and its application; the testing requirement and case study.

The C-S-H technology works within the cement matrix to generate additional calcium silicate hydrate within the concrete resulting in further hydration until the concrete is impermeable to water infiltrations. The C-S-H technology also grants self-healing properties to concrete through a process called autogenous healing so that to increase the durability and sustainability of structures. C-S-H technology admixtures are environmentally and perform well in aggressive environment. An interactive question-and-answer session was held immediately after the presentation. John shared with the participants his past project experience and provided some hints to the participants the application of the C-S-H products.

This seminar provided participants with a good opportunity to understand the C-S-H waterproofing and corrosion proof technology, and its application in current industry. Special thanks to Ir Tony Za (Chairman of HKIE Building Division), Cr Dr. Billy Lee (Vice President of HKICM), Mr. Lam Wai Choi (Chair of CIOB HK Hub Committee) for the efforts in jointly organising and participating this interesting CPD event.