Quality Building Award 2024 – Pre-award Seminar 3 [優質建築大獎 2024-前瞻研討會 3]

The Quality Building Award 2024 Pre-award Seminar Series aims to showcase the success stories of past winners. The third seminar, themed “Exploring Community Development for Social Inclusion and Wellness” aims to  explore into community development strategies that foster social inclusion and wellness in urban areas, inspiring participants to incorporate similar strategies into their urban development projects, and promoting social inclusivity and generating a sense of wellness within communities.
優質建築大獎 2024 前瞻研討會旨在向大衆展示過往優秀獲獎者經驗。第三場研討會的主題是 “探索社區發展,追求幸福生活”,旨在深入探討促進城市地區社會共融與健康的社區發展戰略,啟發與會者在其城市發展項目中採用類似的戰略,促進社會共融,增進社區內幸福感。

Details 詳情: 

Date 日期: 
31 Jan 2024 2024年1月31日

Time 時間:
15:30 – 16:00  Registration Time
16:00 -18:00  Seminar Time
15:30 – 16:00  簽到
16:00 -18:00  研討會

Venue 地點:
16/F Conference Room, HKCA, 180-182 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
香港灣仔軒尼詩道180-182號 香港建造商會(HKCA) 16 樓會議室

Language 語言:
Cantonese 廣東話 

Fee 費用:
Free of Charge 免費


Registration 登記:


*Please complete the registration before 29 Jan
