Workshop on Persuasive and Presentation Communication Skills –Pitch Perfect

Date, Time and Venue

22 August 2023 (Tuesday)

6:30pm to 8:00pm

Chun Wo & Hsin Chong Rooms 10/F, The HKIE Headquarters

Download PFD

Programme highlights

Often, engineers and experts are presenting their ideas and concepts to senior management, clients and business partners. The challenge is getting their audience to understand and act with limited time. That’s when our pitch needs to make the impact. In this session, we will work on how to make that impact, and use less time to prepare for these important moments.

For details of the workshop, please refer to the attachment – Pitch Perfect.
During this session, participants will be engaging in activities and practice exercises with others. The workshop will be conducted in bilingual Cantonese/English.


Mr. Donald Ma – Executive Consultant, Milestone Three Limited. Donald is a professional Pitch Coach who has worked with C-levels, Senior Executives and Entrepreneurs to better express their messages in front of all types of audiences. Working across the world, Donald has helped transform individuals to become outstanding.

This workshop is free of charge and the number of participants is limited to 30.

Registration details

Prior registration is required for the face to face workshop. For registration, please apply online at the Google link below: –

Enquiry details
For enquiries, please contact Ir Paris Wong (tel: 2859 5592) or via email

Mr Donald Ma (middle) and all the participants enjoyed the workshop – Pitch Perfect.

 Workshop Organized by HKIE Building Division

Title: Workshop on Persuasive and Presentation Communication Skills –Pitch Perfect

By Ir Paris WONG

The face-to-face workshop, Persuasive and Presentation Communication Skills – Pitch Perfect, was organised by HKIE Building Division on 22 August 2023 and was well-joined by 21 HKIE members.

Engineers and experts are usually required to present their ideas and concepts to senior management, clients and business partners. The challenge is getting their audience to understand and act with limited time. This workshop provided a good opportunity to the engineers who joined the workshop to understand some important techniques and how to achieve a high efficiency presentation and spend less time to prepare more engaging presentations.

The workshop was coached by Mr. Donald Ma, an executive consultant of Milestone Three Limited. Mr. Ma is a professional Pitch Coach who has worked with high-ranking authorities or officers, senior executives and entrepreneurs to better express their messages in front of all types of audiences.

Mr. Ma prepared two sessions in the workshop with the aid of presentation PowerPoint and paper cards to the HKIE members. The participants had chance to conduct individual presentation and practice under the guidance of Mr. Ma. He also provided constructive recommendations to the participants how to improve the skills and techniques to achieve an efficiency presentation. The sessions were filled with fun exercise and practice. In this highly interactive workshop, the participants had experienced, where to focus upon when presenting to engage stakeholders, crafting presentations which audiences will connected with, how to become memorable by speaking with emotion etc.

On behalf of the HKIE Building Division, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Donald Ma on facilitating this fruitful presentation skill workshop to our HKIE members.