The HKIE Building Division 13th Annual Seminar – Metamorphosis in Buildings under New Functionalities and Technologies

Date, time & venue
2014-03-13;9:00am – 5:00pm;Theater 2, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre

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Organized by

 Building Division


 Programme highlights

 The Annual Seminar is one of the key events of the Building Division of HKIE each year and it

always draws keen participation from building professionals, scholars and experts in the field.

The upcoming 13th Annual Seminar aims to provide an excellent platform for professionals in the

field to share knowledge, exchange views on functional design and construction for buildings in a world of ever-advancing technologies.




–  Guest of Honour

l   Mr MA Siu Cheung, Eric, Under Secretary for Development, HKSAR Government

–  Opening Address  

l   Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok, BBS, MH, JP, Legislative Council Member (Functional Constituency –


–  Afternoon Session Keynote Remarks  

l   Ir Raymond K S Chan, President, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

–  Speakers

l   Mr Alex FOK, Shui On Construction Co. Ltd.

l   Ms Ada FUNG Yin Suen, JP, Hong Kong Housing Authority

l   Ir KK KWAN, Ove Arup & Partners HK Limited

l   Dr Ernest LEE, Urban Renewal Authority

l   Mr James MARSHALL, Dragages Hong Kong

l   Dr Ivan SHAM, PhD, Nano & Advanced Materials Institute Ltd.

l   Mr Marco WU, SBS, Hong Kong Housing Society

l   Ir Prof Jin-Guang TENG, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

l   Dr K.T. Wan, Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Ltd.



Registration & Enquiries

For  registration,  please  download  and submit  the  standard  application  form.  For enquiries, please contact Secretariat Office, Ms Tiffany WONG or Ms Crystal LEE at Tel: 3159 2932/ 3159 2922 or



Registration fees: Standard Registration: HK$680; Student Registration: HK$300.